Vær ute i tide til innsjekking og boarding. Hvis du ankommer etter fristen, kan det være at du går glipp av reisen – og det ønsker ingen av oss! Hvis du reiser med bagasje, leverer du den ved bagasjeinnleveringen ( bag drop ) etter at du har sjekket inn og satt på bagasjelappene.
Dersom du reiser med . We intend to check-in online before quite a long journey to Gatwick. Attach them to your baggage , and hand it over at the counter marked bagdrop. You must always be able to show travel documents, boarding card or electronic . Bagasjen leverer du deretter i skranken merket bag drop. Det vil alltid være personell fra flyselskapene i området dersom du har behov for hjelp underveis. Jeg er i utlandet, og skal hjem til Norge om noen uker.
Har billett med norwegian fra her med referanse, tidspunkt. Men når jeg kommer på . DSG BagDrop `s first major installation in the Nordics. Show this to the agent at the bag drop desk if you have hold baggage to drop off. Time to be saved by self-service bag drops. Bag drop -off to ground handler.
Self-service bag drop. Print your bag tags at the airport check-in kiosks or visit our check-in counter for . This will be the first time with . De samme tidene gjelder for bagage drop , men i følge SAS bør du være ved. A total of self bag drop kiosks are available for use in Terminal allowing passengers to. Norwegian Air Shuttle (DY).
Luggage tags can be downloaded and printed from your eDocs. This bag should contain items you will need on the first and last day of your cruise while your . Attach it to the bag handle with the bar code facing outward. Vår self service bag drop er så populær at det tidvis er lengre kø der enn. Gör så här: Fäst bagagetaggen på handtaget på väskan. The first two check-in lanes for the automatic self-service bag drop (SBD).

Important: You need to drop off your luggage in the reception at your hotel before 06:hrs. Passengers then have to drop their luggage at the drop off points. The luggage will be picked up by our luggage transportation service . You can even drop your bags off too. Speak to your airline.
You should check with your airline or on your ticket for their on-board baggage rules. Some airlines (Austrian, Lufthansa, Swiss and Brussels Airlines) already offer their passengers the possibility to drop off their own baggage at. Please observe the detailed instructions for transporting oversize baggage or.
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